Tuesday, 8 May 2012

New ECHR Readings

Our SIM Documentation Centre has again prepared its monthly update on human rights articles. I am here showing all the articles related to the European Convention of Human Rights, as far as I had not yet reported on them earlier:

The International Journal of Constitutional Law (vol. 9, no. 3-4, 2011) features two articles on the ECHR:

* C. Danisi, 'How far can the European Court of Human Rights go in the fight against discrimination? Defining new standards in its nondiscrimination jurisprudence', pp. 793-807.
* The European Court of Human Rights: judging nondiscrimination, by M. Cartabia, pp. 808-814.

The North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation (Yes, I know, a slightly unlikely place to find ECHR-lrelated articles!) also has two in volume 36, no. 3 (2010/2011):

* J. Borders, 'Another door closed: report to the European Court of Human Rights for relief from the Turkish invasion of 1974 may no longer be possible for Greek Cypriots', pp. 689-750.
* R. Lamb, 'When human rights have gone too far: religious tradition and equality in Lautsi v. Italy', pp. 751-772.

And furthermore (in random order):

* F. Messineo,  'Gentlemen at home, hoodlums elsewhere? The extra-territorial exercise of power by British forces in Iraq and the European Convention on Human Rights', Cambridge Law Journal (vol. 71, no. 1, 2012) pp. 15-18.

* D. Kosar,  'Policing separation of powers: a new role for the European Court of Human Rights?',  European Constitutional Law Review (vol. 8, no. 1 -2012), pp. 33-62.

* M. Breuer, 'Zur Fortentwicklungen der Piloturteilstechnik durch den EGMR', Europäische Grundrechte Zeitschrift (vol. 39, no. 1-4 , 2012), pp. 1-10.

* A. Pin, '(European) stars or (American) stripes: are the European Court of Human Rights' neutrality and the Supreme Court's wall of separation one and the same?', St. John's Law Review (vol. 85, no. 2, 2011), pp. 627-648.  

* R. Medda-Windischer, 'The contribution of the European Court of Human Rights to the accommodation of contemporary religious diversity', Yearbook on Humanitarian Action and Human Rights (2011) pp. 37-54.