Friday, 1 February 2013

New ECHR Readings

This week brings another batch of academic writings on the European Convention. First off, the Utrecht Law Review's most recent issue (Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2013) includes a special thematic section on 'EU and ECHR: Conflict or Harmony?'. Articles include (amongst others):

* Sybe de Vries, 'Editorial - EU and ECHR: Conflict or Harmony?'
* Suzanne D. Burri, 'Towards More Synergy in the Interpretation of the Prohibition of Sex Discrimination in European Law? A Comparison of Legal Contexts and some Case Law of the EU and the ECHR'
* Albertine Veldman, 'The Protection of the Fundamental Right to Strike within the Context of the European Internal Market: Implications of the Forthcoming Accession of the EU to the ECHR'
* Frans Pennings, 'Non-Discrimination on the Ground of Nationality in Social Security: What are the Consequences of the Accession of the EU to the ECHR?'
 The American University international law review (Vol. 27, no. 1, 2011/2012) features:
 * B. Weinstein, 'Reproductive choice in the hands of the state: the right to abortion under the European Convention on Human Rights in light of A, B & C v. Ireland', pp. 391-438.
Finally, the newest issue of the International and Comparative Law Quarterly includes an article on that same case:
* Fiona de Londras and Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou, 'Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights, A, B & C v. Ireland', pp. 250-262.