Thursday 24 September 2020

Submitting Guest Posts to the ECHR Blog

Dear ECHR Blog readers, as part of our announced renewal and expansion, we have now added a new item to the blog. For many years, this blog has received guest posts of eminent academic colleagues. We are now more explicitly inviting fellow academics to submit ECHR-related guest posts to this blog, to represent the multitude of voices in the research community focusing on the ECHR. To help and guide you if you are interested to submit a guest blog post, we have now formulated guidelines, to be found below in this post and as a permanent page in the menu of this blog. We are looking forward to your contributions!

Antoine Buyse and Kushtrim Istrefi

Guidelines for contributions to the ECHR Blog

The ECHR Blog is an academic blog and thus aims to publish academic contributions of both theoretical and practice-oriented importance. We welcome unsolicited submissions (guest posts) of high-quality pertaining to the ECHR system from academics (and, by exception, practitioners). We particularly welcome submissions addressing:

The case-law of the ECtHR, particularly if they concern new developments. 

New developments related to ECHR rights, procedures, principles and concepts.

New developments within the Council of Europe institutions as well as other international organizations that directly relate to the ECHR system.

The case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union when it relates directly to the application of the ECHR, or is directly relevant for ECtHR case-law.

By exception, national judicial, legislative or political developments that have a significance for the Convention system and can be of interest to an international audience.

Any other original contribution related to the ECHR developments.

We also welcome book symposiums related to recent publications on the ECHR.

The review process: the editors aim to reply within two working days. However, at times this may take longer. Following a review by the editors, authors may be asked to revise their submission. The initial or revised submission may be accepted or rejected for publication at the editors’ discretion. A submission may be rejected if, inter alia, i) it does not fit the scope of the blog substantively, ii) it does not meet the required quality and focus of analysis, iii) the author does not present balanced arguments, uses defamatory language, and/or is directly involved on the matter discussed in the submission (e.g. a lawyer representing a case before the ECtHR), and/or iv) an issue has already been extensively published upon on this blog or other outlets and/or does not add much in terms of substance or analysis or is no longer topical.

Length: 1200-1800 words. Longer posts may be accepted but authors may be asked to divide it in two parts. 

Style: Use Times New Roman size 12, single spaced and single line between paragraphs. Headings may be used at the author’s discretion.

Language: Submissions must be written in British spelling. They must be of good quality in terms of grammar and spelling.

Hyperlinks instead of footnotes: Use hyperlinks instead of footnotes when referring to any sources and other materials.

Image for the blog post: You are free to recommend an open-source image to be used for the guest blog.

Author’s biography: Please indicate your title, name, surname and institutional affiliation (and insert a hyperlink to your institutional profile page, where applicable).

Submissions must contain the subject line ‘ECHR Blog: Submission’ and must be sent to: a.c.buyse at and/or k.istrefi at .