Thursday, 10 February 2011

Overview of ECHR Articles in Journals

The monthly overview of human rights journal articles, compiled by the documentalists of my home base, the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM) again contains a range of ECHR-related articles:

First, in several issues of the Goettingen Journal of International Law. Recently:
* B. Bowring, ‘The Russian Federation, Protocol no. 14 (and 14bis) , and the battle for the soul of the ECHR’ (2010, vol. 2, no. 2) pp. 589-618.

And earlier:
* C. Janik and T. Kleinlein, ‘When Soering went to Iraq....: problems of jurisdiction, extraterritorial effect of norm conflicts in light of the European Court of Human Rights' Al-Saadoon case’ (2009, vol. 1, no. 3) pp. 459-518.

Most of the first issue of volume 26 of the Journal of Law and Religion (2010/2011) is dedicated to religion and the ECHR:
* B. Scharffs, ‘Symposium introduction: the freedom of religion and belief jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights: legal, moral, political and religious perspectives’, pp. 249-260.
* Z. Calo, ‘Pluralism, secularism and the European Court of Human Rights’, pp. 261-280.
* G. Robbers, ‘Church autonomy in the European Court of Human Rights - recent developments in Germany’, pp. 281-320.
* C. Evans, ‘Individual and group religious freedom in the European Court of Human Rights: cracks in the intellectual architecture’, pp. 321-343.
* M. Evans, ‘From cartoons to crucifixes: current controversies concerning the freedom of religion and the freedom of expression before the European Court of Human Rights’, pp. 345-370.

In the periodical Religion and Human Rights (2011, vol. 6, no. 1), the following article has been published:
* P. Slotte, ‘Securing freedom whilst enhancing competence: the "knowledge about christianity, religions and life stances" subject and the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights, pp. 41-73.

And finally, the German Law Journal in its vol. 11, no. 5 of 2010 includes:
* C. Tomuschat, ‘The effects of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights according to the German constitutional court’, pp. 513-526.
* C. Coors, ‘Headwind from Europe: the new position of the German courts on personality rights after the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights’, pp. 527-538.