Thursday, 25 August 2011

ECHR Articles in Newest HRLR

The most recent issue of the Human Rights Law Review (Vol. 11, No. 3, September 2011) includes a number of articles relating to the European Convention on Human Rights:

* Dominic McGoldrick, 'Religion in the European Public Square and in European Public Life—Crucifixes in the Classroom?'.

* Elizabeth Wicks, 'A, B, C v Ireland: Abortion Law under the European Convention on Human Rights'.

* Stephen Skinner, 'The Right to Life, Democracy and State Responsibility in ‘Urban Guerilla’ Conflict: The European Court of Human Rights Grand Chamber Judgment in Giuliani and Gaggio v Italy'.

* Paul Johnson, 'Homosexuality, Freedom of Assembly and the Margin of Appreciation Doctrine of the European Court of Human Rights: Alekseyev v Russia'.