Friday, 17 August 2012

Miscellaneous News

Today, I have a number of miscellaneous issues for you. First, over at the Multirights Blog, there is a report about the resumed negotations between the European Union and the Council of Europe on the EU's accession to the ECHR. These new negotiations seem to offer space for a partial re-negotiation of the draft agreement from last year, about which I blogged earlier here.

Secondly, my colleagues of the Strasbourg Observers blog have this month launched a blog tribute to the Belgian judge at the ECtHR, Françoise Tulkens, who is stepping down after serving since 1998, the start of the fulltime Court. An innovative and well-deserved electronic tribute!

Thirdly, the Grand Chamber judgment in an important freedom of expression case of last month, Mouvement Raëlien Suisse v. Switzerland, has led to a number of interesting online comments about the case. Comments by Rónán Ó Fathaigh are to be found on the Human Rights in Ireland blog; comments by Marko Milanovic on EJIL Talk!; by Rosalind English on UK Human Rights Blog; and by Gabrielle Guillemin on Inforrm's Blog.