Monday, 26 August 2013

New ECHR Publications and New Publisher for Court's Report Series

Returned from summer break, I am starting off with a short overview of a number of recent publications on the ECHR.  The new publications on the ECHR are:

* Andrew Drzemczewski, 'L'élection  du juge de l'Union européenne à law Cour européenne des droits de l'homme', Revue trimestrielle des droits de l'homme, no. 195 (2013) pp. 551-563.

 * Monika Ambrus, 'The European Court of Human Rights and standards of proof in religion cases', Religion and Human Rights, vol. 8, no. 2 (2013) pp. 107-137.

* Virginia Mantouvalou, 'Labour Rights in the European Convention on Human Rights: An Intellectual Justification for an Integrated Approach to Interpretation', Human Rights Law Review, vol. 13, no. 3 (2013).

* From last year, but I had not noticed it earlier: C. Stubberfield, 'Lifting the organisational veil: positive obligations of the European Union following accession to the European Convention on Human Rights', Australian International Law Journal, vol. 19 (2012) pp. 117-142.

* And on the online resource Open Democracy, Marco Duranti of the University of Sydney has published 'Strasbourg Court is Anti-Democratic Just As Its Founders Intended'.

Secondly, there is a new publisher for the Court's official series of leading cases (which were previously published by Carl Heymanns Verlag), the Reports of Judgments and Decisions: the Dutch publisher Wolf Legal Publishers. This is the new publisher's own information on the series:

This series is an official publication of the Court’s leading judgments and decisions identified by the Court’s Jurisconsult and formally selected by the Bureau, composed of the Court’s most senior judges. The composition of the Reports for the years 2008 to 2013 is available on (under Case-

The Reports are designed primarily for legal professionals, libraries and academics and are edited by the Court’s Registry. Each volume contains a series of cases or extracts of cases, preceded by a summary prepared by the Registry. Each summary contains a case description, keywords and key notions in addition
to the facts of the case and the Court’s main findings.

Cases are presented in five to six volumes every year, accompanied by an index listing them both alphabetically (by applicant and by respondent State) and analytically (by Article(s) of the European Convention on Human Rights)

The current backlist of the series starts with 2008, for which the full set will be available from September 2013. The set for 2009 will be made available later in 2013, with the 2010 and 2011 sets to follow thereafter. This print series complements the case-law information available on the Court’s website.