Friday, 28 March 2014

Liber Amicorum Leo Zwaak - ECHR Contributions

The Liber Amicorum for my dear colleague Leo Zwaak has just been published. Many will know Leo as one of the great experts on the ECHR who has taught generations of students and practitioners about the European Convention system. It may therefore not come as a surprise that the book, entitled 'The Realisation of Human Rights: When Theory Meets Practice. Studies in Honour of Leo Zwaak', includes contributions by a wide variety of scholars, from many different fields of law and from various generations of scholarship. I was privileged to be included in this volume with a contribution on the lack of a significant disadvantage criterion in the ECHR (See also the link in the sidebar of this blog to that article). Here is an overview of the ECHR-related articles in the book (full table of contents here):
* Michael O’Boyle, ‘The Role of Dialogue in the Relationship Between the European Court of Human Rights and National Courts’
* Antoine Buyse, ‘Significantly Insignificant? The Life in the Margins of the Admissibility Criterion in Article 35(3)(b) European Convention on Human Rights’
* Fried van Hoof, ‘The Stubbornness of the European Court of Human Rights’ Margin of Appreciation Doctrine’
* Egbert Myjer, ‘Are Judges of the European Court of Human Rights so Qualified that they are in No Need of Initial and In-Service Training? A ‘Straatsburgse Myj/mering’ (Myjer’s Musings from Strasbourg) for Leo Zwaak’