Monday, 8 June 2015

New Book on Fundamental Rights in the EU and ECHR

Sonia Morano-Foadi and Lucy Vickers, both based at Oxford Brookes University, have edited a new volume on the relationship between the Strasbourg and Luxembourg courts. It is entitled 'Fundamental Rights in the EU. A Matter for Two Courts' and has been published at Hart Publishing. This is the abstract:

This collection joins the new and expanding scholarship on the protection of fundamental rights in Europe and reflects on the relationship between the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). The book questions whether the changes introduced by the Lisbon Treaty align the CJEU to the ECtHR's interpretation and methods, triggering different processes of institutionalisation within a coherent European system. These issues are explored through a contextual analysis of areas of law such as equality rights in employment law, citizenship and migration, internet law and access to justice. This volume includes perspectives from the scholarly community as well as practitioners, judges and European policy makers. It also examines the state of accession of the EU to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and considers the legal implications of the accession for the protection of the fundamental rights of EU citizens and individuals legally residing in Europe.