The ever-growing European Implementation Network, which recently welcomed more new members, together with The Netherlands Helsinki Committee, is organising a training about the implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in Ukraine in October. The event will either be held in Kiev on 26th and 27th October, or as an online training (decision to be taken early September about the final format). This is the information from the organisers:
'Applications for this training are now open. We specifically urge non-governmental organisations (NGOs), human rights defenders and human rights lawyers to participate in this event.
The size of the non-implementation problem is of concern in Ukraine, with 68% of leading ECtHR judgments from the last ten years still pending. Each leading case pending implementation reflects an unresolved and recurring human rights violation.
While pending judgments are high in Ukraine, they also provide opportunities to challenge the lack of progress in national legislative and judicial systems to tackle the policies and practices at the root of repeated violations.
NGOs play a critical role in the implementation process overseen by the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers (CM). NGOs can engage in the implementation process through Rule 9.2. of the Rules of the CM, where they can provide recommendations and critical information.
This training aims to equip NGOs with the knowledge of the CM judgment execution process and confidence to engage with advocacy tools to support the full and effective implementation of ECtHR judgments.
What will the training entail?
Presentations by EIN staff, Council of Europe secretariat, and civil society experts on how to engage effectively with the CM judgment execution process.
Sharing of lessons learned by whose have already engaged with the implementation process.
Group exercises on drafting Rule 9.2 submissions on a case currently pending before the CM.
Collaborative brainstorming sessions to unpack strategies for the implementation of pending cases.
Who is this training for?
The staff of NGOs working on, or planning to work on, implementation of ECtHR judgments cocnerning Ukraine;
Independent lawyers or HRDs supporting NGOs in these activities, or working in an independent capacity on these issues;
Staff from specialised organisations working on freedom of expression, intending to engage with the ECtHR judgment implementation process.
Attendees do not have to be based in Ukraine but must have a clear focus on Ukraine.'
The application form as well as information in Ukrainian is available on the EIN website. The event if free of charge. Application deadline: 16th September 2021