Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Annual Press Conference of the President of the ECtHR

On Thursday 26 January 2023, the President of the ECtHR Síofra O’Leary held a press conference during which the Court's activities and statistics for 2022 were presented. President O'Leary began the conference by stating that the year 2022 was marked by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, its expulsion from the Council of Europe and its withdrawal from the Convention. It was stressed that these serious events have had important legal consequences for the Court, for instance for its competence to deal with applications against Russia. 

During the press conference the President provided some statistics on the activities of the Court in 2022. The past year was a year in which the Court was extremely active: it issued a total of 1163 judgments, which is the highest number of judgments since 2012. All statistical information about the activities of the Court is included in the Court's latest annual report

The President furthermore pointed out some relevant developments in 2022. These include, amongst others, the reduction of the time-limit within which an application can be filed to the Court from six to four months from the date of the final judgment at the national level according to Protocol No. 15 to the Convention, and the launch of the Court's Knowledge Sharing Platform (ECHR-KS)

A video of the press conference is available here