Sunday, 26 February 2023

New Textbook: Fundamental Rights, The European and International Dimension

A new textbook entitled Fundamental Rights: The European and International Dimension has been published, edited by our Utrecht University colleague Janneke Gerards. The textbook discusses the different European and International legal instruments that regulate the protection of fundamental rights in Europe, including the ECHR. It provides an overview of the different requirements set by these instruments. Here is the abstract: 

'In Europe, fundamental rights have come to be regulated by an increasing number of legal instruments, such as the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, and international treaties. It is not always easy to understand what requirements are set in these different instruments and how they interrelate. This textbook therefore provides an integrated and systematic overview of the requirements imposed by international and European fundamental rights law. It discusses a range of both civil/political fundamental rights (eg freedom of expression) and social/economic rights (eg right to health), for each of which it is discussed how it is protected by the ECHR, by other Council of Europe instruments, by EU law, and by international treaty instruments. Each chapter is concluded with an integration section, which explains the relations between the different systems of fundamental rights protection and discuss differences, overlap and bottlenecks.

  • Discusses how fundamental rights are protected in European and international systems. Includes a section on 'comparison and integration' of the different systems in each chapter
  • Discusses a wide selection of fundamental rights (both civil/political and social/economic) to make it easier to explain and understand the differences and parallels between the different types of rights and how they are protected
  • Focusses on European fundamental rights law but also discusses international law and provides a concise overview of the different instruments'