Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Workshop on Writing and Publishing on the ECHR

The University of Essex and the Academy for European Human Rights Protection at the University of Cologne are co-organizing a workshop for early career researchers. The workshop, entitled '
Writing and Publishing in the Law of the ECHR: A Workshop for Early Career Researchers' take place on Monday 26 February 2024. This is the call for participants. And here is more information provided by the organisers of the workshop:


The work and relevance of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) are increasingly being debated among scholars and practitioners. Discussions about the potential (and limits) of the Convention system, the reform of the Court and (more recently, in particular) the Council of Europe, supervision and implementation of judgments - among others - have received significant scholarly attention. The Reykjavik Declaration, following Russia's expulsion from the organisation, could mark a new chapter in the development of the Council of Europe (although obviously much depends on what kind of follow-up action will be pursued).

In the context of the aforementioned expansion of scholarly work on the ECtHR and the ECHR system, Early Career Researchers (broadly understood) play (or should play) a crucial role in researching on the Convention system and participating in discussions on its future development. The purpose of this workshop is to initiate a conversation and exchange ideas around issues related to writing and publishing in the Law of the ECHR. It is primarily addressed to colleagues who are at early stages of their career, practitioners and everyone who might have a keen interest in the Strasbourg system. As subsequent sections indicate, the workshop is organised across a number of panels that will be led by experts in the field; however, we very much hope to organise an interactive and dynamic workshop.

Format and Sessions

The workshop consists of four panels and an optional group discussion. Although a full programme will be published and circulated nearer the time, the provisional titles of the sessions will be as follows:

9.45-10.45: How to write articles in the Law of the ECHR
11.00-12.00: Different methodologies in the Law of the ECHR
12.00-13.00: What kind of articles are editors interested in? Insights from editors of ECHR journals
15.45-16.45: What do judges or members of other organs of the Council of Europe read? How to bring legal research to the attention of the European Court of Human Rights?
In addition to the above panels, we are also planning to organise a number of optional roundtable discussions for on campus participants only (from 14.00-15.30), in which scholars may present developing ideas/ work in progress (though not full papers); these group discussions will be led by another more experienced scholar and organised on the basis of topics that will be provided.

The workshop will take place at the premises of the Academy in Cologne, while participation via zoom is also possible. There is a limited number of places for on campus and zoom participants (please see below on how to apply).

Confirmed speakers and panellists (in addition to organisers): Prof. Natasa Mavronicola, University of Birmingham; Prof. Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou, University of Liverpool; Prof. Veronica Fikfak, UCL and iCourts; Prof. Giuseppe Martinico, Sant’Anna; Ana Vilfan Vospernik, Coordinator in the Directorate of the Jurisconsult, ECtHR.

How to participate in the workshop

If you are interested in participating in this workshop, please send your application at workshop-echr @ Protectionuni-koeln.de by 15 December 2023 and include the following information:
  • A CV (including a list of publications, if applicable; and conference/ workshop presentations, if applicable).
  • A letter of motivation (approximately 500 words) explaining how the workshop will be beneficial for you.
  • Whether you intend to attend in person or via zoom
  • And, should you wish to attend in person, a topic that you would like to discuss in the roundtable session with other participants (this is entirely optional, and the intention to participate in the group discussions will not constitute an advantage in the selection process). Should you wish to participate, please send a brief summary (approximately 300 words) of your topic in your submission.
The Selection Committee will aim to inform selected participants as soon as possible after the deadline and no later than mid-January 2024. Participation is free of charge and lunch and refreshments will be provided; however, on campus participants will need to cover their travel and accommodation expenses.

Questions: If you have any questions about the workshop, the different sessions or the host institution (the Academy in Cologne) please feel free to email: workshop-echr @ Protectionuni-koeln.de .