Tuesday, 19 December 2023

New Book on Compliance with ECtHR Judgments

Ramute Remezaite (European Human Rights Advocacy Centre, School of Law, Middlesex University) has just published a new book entitled Compliance with Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights: States on a Spectrum of Democratisation. This is the abstract:

'What does compliance with judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) look like in states on the spectrum of democratisation? This work provides an in-depth investigation of three such states—Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia— in the wider context of the growing 'implementation crisis' in Europe, and does so through a combined lens of theoretical insights and rich empirical data.

The book offers a detailed analysis of the domestic contexts varying from democratising to increasingly authoritarian tendencies, which shape the states’ compliance behaviour, and discusses why and how such states comply with human rights judgments. It puts particular focus on ‘contested’ compliance as a new form of compliance behaviour involving states’ acting in ‘bad faith’ and argues for a revival of the concept of partial compliance. The wider impact that ECtHR judgments have in states on the spectrum of democratisation is also explored.'