Tuesday, 9 January 2024

New Special Issue ECHR Law Review

Right before Christmas the last issue of 2023 of the ECHR Law Review  was published (Vol. 4, issue 4). This special issue, edited by Marie-Benedicte Dembour (Human Rights Centre, Ghent University), looks at the way evidence works at the European Court of Human Rights. The issue contains one editorial and four research articles. This is the table of contents:

* Marie-Bénédicte Dembour, 'The Evidentiary System of the European Court of Human Rights in Critical Perspective'

* Marie-Bénédicte Dembour, 'Beyond Reasonable Doubt at its Worst – But Also at its Potential Best: Dissecting Ireland v the United Kingdom’s No-Torture Finding'

* Kristin Henrard, 'The European Court of Human Rights and the ‘Special’ Distribution of the Burden of Proof in Racial Discrimination Cases: The Search for Fairness Continues'

* Joseph Finnerty, 'When is a State’s ‘Hidden Agenda’ Proven? The Role of the Merabishvili’s Three-Legged Evidentiary Test in the Article 18 Strasbourg Case Law'

* Grażyna Baranowska, 'Exposing Covert Border Enforcement: Why Failing to Shift the Burden of Proof in Pushback Cases is Wrong'