Tuesday 28 May 2024

Webinar on ECtHR Climate Change Cases

On Friday 31 May (13:00-14:00 CET) the University of Göttingen is organizing a webinar entitled 'Climate Change and Human Rights: Exploring the ECHR’s KlimaSeniorinnen and Duarte Agostinho cases'. In the webinar, Corina Heri (Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Zurich) and Kata Dosza (Senior Associate Researcher and Adjunct Professor at the Brussels School of Governance) will be discussing the ECtHR's decisions in the cases of Duarte Agostinho and KlimaSeniorinnen.  The webinar is organized for students and academics interested in climate change and human rights, legal professionals, scholars, climate activists and NGO representatives, policymakers and governments officials, and anyone else interested in climate litigation and human rights. 

The webinar will cover the following topics:

- The legal frameworks and arguments in the Duarte Agostinho and KlimaSeniorinnen
- The ECHR's reasoning behind its decisions and their broader implications.
- Comparative analysis with other significant climate litigation cases.
- The evolving role of international human rights frameworks in addressing global
environmental challenges.

You can register here.