Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Council of Europe History Book

The Council of Europe has published a special book to celebrate its anniversary, entitled History of the Council of Europe - 75 years of European co-operation and authored by Birte Wassenberg professor of contemporary history at Strasbourg University. The book is also available in French. This is the abstract:

'Immerse yourself in the history of the Council of Europe, from its creation in 1949 to the challenges it has to address today. This comprehensive book traces the development of this pioneering and emblematic organisation and invites you to discover the key moments and challenges it has faced.

In the aftermath of the Second World War, the Council of Europe was established in Strasbourg with the objective of promoting and safeguarding human rights, democracy and the rule of law throughout Europe. It has created a common democratic and legal area by drawing up more than 200 conventions covering all aspects of daily life.

At its heart is also the European Court of Human Rights, guardian of fundamental freedoms and a flagship institution whose judgments are binding on the member states. Find out more about the Court’s landmark decisions, major reforms and how it has responded to changes in society.

The Council of Europe has forged close ties with the European Union, working in tandem on many projects to strengthen justice, safety and human rights. This work analyses the complementary and competitive nature of this strategic partnership and the expectations around it.

Throughout the history of the Council of Europe, there have been many great achievements but also crises and controversies. This book provides a detailed analysis of the turbulent times the Organisation has faced, from integrating new members to dealing with internal challenges, political pressures and external conflicts, and delves into the strategies it has adopted to address them.

History of the Council of Europe, 75 years of European co-operation is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand the development of this key European institution, its achievements, trials and tribulations, and the impact it has had on Europe and its people.'