Thursday, 29 May 2008

International Law Video Library

I just added a few extra links in the sidebar. One about which I am particularly enthusiastic is the International Law Video Library, hosted by Jean Allain of Queen's University in Belfast. The online library is a growing collection of video interviews with key figures in international law. The sections on Human Rights include interviews with Thomas Buergenthal (now at the ICJ, formerly at the UN Human Rights Committee), Patrick Robinson (now ICTY, formerly at the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights), David Weissbrodt (formerly at the UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights), Navanethem Pillay (ICTR) and many others. Hopefully an interview on the European Convention and Court will soon be added. Great tool for teaching and presentations!

You might also want to take a look at two related weblogs. One is the human rights blog, which provides a broad portal to all kinds of human rights-related news and links. It does not seem to have been updated for several weeks now though. The other is called Ph.D. Studies in Human Rights of professor William Schabas of the Irish Centre for Human Rights of the National University of Ireland at Galway. Apart from information on conducting Ph.D. research on human rights, it also contains very regular updates with an emphasis on international criminal law.