Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Last Post of 2010

On this shortest day of the the year, the Court has made one last big puff and delivered over 50 judgments, at the end of a year which was both turbulent, very busy for the Strasbourg institutions, and which also saw increasing criticism on the European human rights mechanisms as such. At least, with the Interlaken Summit, the contracting parties have started to take the predicament of their common human rights protection system more seriously. Let us hope they take concrete steps in the year ahead to follow-up on their pledges made at the edge of the Swiss lakes to protect human rights more effectively!

The 150th post of 2010 is also the last one of the year on this blog. With over 125,000 pageviews this year (compared to 70,000 last year) from over 160 countries the audience of ECHR Blog continues to grow. Many thanks to all my readers for their attention and input!

I wish you all a good holidays season and a happy 2011!