Thursday, 23 January 2014

Conference on ECHR and the Employment Relation

The University of Strasbourg is organising a European colloquy entitled "The European Convention on Human Rights and the Employment Relation" on 30 and 31 January. The conference will be held at the Maison interuniversitaire des sciences de l’homme - Alsace (Misha). The programme and other information can be found here. This is the colloquy's general idea:

The obligation for the European Union to accede to the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) opens a window of opportunities for the recognition of fundamental social rights in the European Union. The prospects of the accession for strengthening workers’ rights have been examined in a comprehensive study which has been pushed by the Transnational Trade Union Rights Expert Network. It focuses on the ECHR provisions and the Strasbourg case law which is relevant to strengthen workers’ protection, inter alia through safeguarding civil and political rights at work. The Dialogue between the European Court for Human Rights and other European judicial or quasi-judicial bodies is at the heart of this publication. It also focuses on the tribute paid by the Strasbourg Court to international instruments.
The Colloquy seeks to present the outcome of the research project by some of the authors of the book (with the same title as the colloquy, see my earlier post here) and to allow for a critical debate with other European academics who are renowned social rights and human rights scholars. We are pleased that some of the judges (still in office or honorary judges) of the European Court for Human Rights, present and former members of the European Committee for social rights and a member of the ILO Expert Committee for the application of Conventions and Recommendations have accepted to participate to this Conference.