Monday, 4 May 2020

EIN Webinar on Effective Domestic ECHR Implementation

The European Implementation Network is organising a webinar on 19 May on the issue of civil society on domestic advocacy for the implementation of Strasbourg Court judgments, at the occasion of a new guide produced by the network. This is the official announcement:

'The European Court of Human Rights continues to act as a ‘beacon of hope’ for victims of human rights violations denied justice at the national level. But unless judgments are properly implemented, a case won in Strasbourg does not translate into tangible human rights gains.

It is on the ground, at the national level that greater civil society advocacy is needed to promote the full and effective implementation of human rights judgments. Over the course of the past year, EIN has tapped into the collective knowledge and experience of its members and partners and collated good practice examples of how domestic civil society actors effectively engage with the authorities, form advocacy alliances, and use the media to promote implementation in their countries.

This has culminated in a new EIN Guide for civil society on domestic advocacy for the implementation of Strasbourg Court judgments. This latest EIN resource will be launched on Tuesday, 19 May at 11.00 am CEST.  

Join us at our one-hour webinar launch via Zoom to:

- Be among the first to hear about the lessons we have learned about effective domestic advocacy;
- Draw inspiration from EIN members and partners as they discuss how they have successfully used various domestic advocacy avenues to push implementation forward; and
- Share your own experience with us during a Q&A.


Chairs: Anne-Katrin Speck and George Stafford, EIN Co-Directors (Strasbourg, France)

- Professor Başak Çalı, EIN Chair (Hertie School of Governance, Berlin and Koç University, Istanbul)
- Teodora Ion-Rotaru, Executive Director, Asociaţia ACCEPT (Bucharest Romania)
- Kirill Koroteev, Head of International Practice, Agora International Human Rights Group (Moscow, Russia).

The Webinar will be recorded, and made available to EIN members and official partners.

Please register by Friday 15 May at 2pm CEST via this link. As participation is limited to 100 people, we encourage early registration.'