Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Expanding the ECHR Blog - A New Face


Dear readers of the ECHR Blog, this blog is about to expand and renew! As some of you will know, keeping up a blog can be quite a daunting - yet very enjoyable - task. After more than 12.5 years and more than a 1000 posts of keeping up this blog all by myself since I founded it in May 2008, I am very happy that as of this week, this blog has an additional editor, my SIM colleague dr Kushtrim Istrefi. 

Kushtrim Istrefi is an assistant Professor with the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM) at Utrecht University. He holds a PhD from the University of Graz. His research focuses on the intersections of fundamental rights law and international security, with an emphasis on the ECHR. He has published on, among others, states of emergency, targeted sanctions, counter-terrorism, judicial activism and secession. Next to his academic work, Kushtrim has litigated complex cases on the right to life, prohibition of torture and the right to fair trial before the European Court of Human Rights and the EULEX Human Rights Review Panel. He also provided legal opinions to the Kosovo Constitutional Court and Kosovo Parliament on Kosovo-Serbia agreements. He was also a visiting researcher at the European Court of Human Rights itself. He is in the editorial board of the European Convention on Human Rights Law Review and coaches Utrecht University Law School's European Human Rights Moot Court Competition team. 

I am very happy to add such a committed expert on the ECHR to this blog's editorial team. Together we will run the blog, add new items and can be approached for any ECHR-related conference announcements, publications, etc. Kushtrim, welcome on board! 

Dear readers, in the coming time we will incrementally implement more changes - so please keep an eye out for new things!

Kind wishes, Antoine Buyse