As the new year of 2021 is starting, it is time for renewal. For this blog, this renewal already started last September with the extension of the editorial team. Now, in the thirteenth year of existence of this blog, we have decided to give it a new look. The blog now has a new logo that encapsulates in 'Council of Europe'-blue our visual identity. We are very grateful to graphic designer Yll Rugova for developing this new logo for us. In addition, we have also made some other, more subtle changes to the blog's look and feel for increased readability.
As always, let us take the opportunity to thank you - all our readers - for your interest in our blog. Over the past extraordinary year, visitor numbers have increased once more to 245.000 in 2020 and 2.8 million since the blog's creation. It may come as no surprise that our most read post of last year was the analysis of Covid-19 responses and ECHR requirements, a guest post by dear colleague Jeremy McBride.
We also thank our readers for conveying crucial information and updates to us and for submitting guests posts or other ideas, which we also warmly welcome in the year to come!
Let us end by wishing each of you a better year than the previous one, for your health, for the world, and for human rights,
Antoine Buyse and Kushtrim Istrefi