Friday, 15 January 2021

Training on ECtHR Judgments Implementation in Russia

As part of a series of trainings, the European Implementation Network (EIN) and the Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC) have issued a call for applications (in Russian here) by non-governmental organisations (NGOs), human rights defenders and human rights lawyers to participate in a training on advocating for full and effective implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in Russia. The training itself will take place halfway April and you can apply for it before 29 January. This is the full information, provided by the organisers:

'In Russia, the magnitude of the non-implementation problem is of concern: of the ‘leading’ judgments from the last ten years, i.e. those identifying new and structural problems calling for wider reforms, 88% remain pending. 

NGOs are accorded a critical role in the Council of Europe’s (CoE) process that underpins the supervision, by the Committee of Ministers (CM), of the implementation of these judgments (known as the CM judgment execution process). This is made possible under Rule 9.2. of the Rules of the CM.  To translate into real human rights gains, NGO recommendations must also be supported by sustained advocacy at the domestic level.  

The aims of the training are to equip NGOs so that they know how to use the CM judgment execution process and which domestic advocacy tools they can apply to support full and effective implementation of ECtHR judgments.  The training will equip participants to work on all types of ECHR cases.  A thematic session will be focused on the implementation of ECHR judgments related to freedom of expression. 


The training on Russia will take place in the week of 12 April 2021, for 1,5 days. The exact date and place are to be confirmed. The in-person meeting could be replaced by an online session should international travels still be limited due to the health situation. The decision on whether the in-person meeting will be replaced by an online session will be taken at least 3 weeks before the event.

Who can apply? 

·        Staff of NGOs working on, or planning to work on, implementation of ECtHR judgments in Russia,; independent lawyers or human rights defenders supporting NGOs in these activities. 

·        Staff from specialised organisations working on freedom of expression who intend to engage into the ECHR judgment implementation process. 

People do not have to be based in Russia, but must have a clear work focus in one or several of the target countries. 

How to apply? 

Interested applicants have to return the application form by 29th January 2021 to NHC Programme Officer: .

Selected participants will be informed by 19th February 2021. The number of participants being limited to 20 in case of in-person meeting, we encourage you to apply as soon as possible!'