Monday, 12 October 2009

New Issue EJML on ECHR and Migration Law

The newest issue of the European Journal of Migration and Law (Vol. 11-3, 2009) is almost entirely dedicated to the European Convention on Human Rights. These are the contents:

* The European Court of Human Rights and Immigration: Limits and Possibilities, pp. 199-204(6), Authors: Battjes, Hemme; Dembour, Marie-Bénédicte; Hart, Betty de; Farahat, Anuscheh; Spijkerboer, Thomas; Walsum, Sarah van.
* The Soering reshold: Why Only Fundamental Values Prohibit Refoulement in ECHR Case Law, pp. 205-219(15), Author: Battjes, Hemme
* Still Silencing the Racism Suffered by Migrants . . .The Limits of Current Developments under Article 14 ECHR, pp. 221-234(14), Authors: Dembour, Marie-Bénédicte
* Love Thy Neighbour: Family Reunification and the Rights of Insiders, pp. 235-252(18), Author: de Hart, Betty.
* The Exclusiveness of Inclusion: On the Boundaries of Human Rights in Protecting Transnational and Second Generation Migrants, pp. 253-269(17), Author: Farahat, Anuscheh
* Structural Instability: Strasbourg Case Law on Children's Family Reunion, pp. 271-293(23), Author: Spijkerboer, Thomas.
* Against All Odds: How Single and Divorced Migrant Mothers were Eventually able to Claim their Right to Respect for Family Life, pp. 295-311(17), Author: van Walsum, Sarah.

Articles are accessible for subscribers through IngentaConnect.

Thanks to professor Marie-Bénédicte Dembour of the University of Sussex for notifying me of this!