Frank Emmert, of the School of Law of Indiana University, has posted the findings of an upcoming book (
'The European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Central and Eastern Europe', Eleven International Publishing, 2012) on SSRN in a paper entitled
'The Implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in New Member States of the Council of Europe - Conclusions Drawn and Lessons Learned', which signals the great amount of work still to be done on ECHR implementation. This is the abstract:
In the book, some 25 authors report on the implementation of the ECHR in their respective countries, including questions of ratification and implementation in law, awareness by legal professionals, inclusion in the curricula of law schools, practice of the courts, cases brought to Strasbourg, and execution of judgments of the EuCrtHR on the domestic level. The Conclusions summarize the findings and make recommendations for better implementation of the ECHR by better protection of fundamental rights and freedoms, more effective national remedies, and pro-active changes of laws, institutions, and procedures, after judgments against other Member States of the Council of Europe.