Tuesday, 4 June 2013

European Yearbook on Human Rights

I think I have not yet notified readers of the ECHR-related contents of the 2012 volume of the European Yearbook on Human Rights. Here they are (full table of contents here):

* Tatjana CARDONA, Elisabeth HANDL-PETZ, Eva LECHNER and Brigitte OHMS, 'ECtHR Jurisprudence in 2011: An Overview';
* Tatiana MARTYNOVA, 'Implementation of European Court of Human Rights Judgments in the Russian Legal Order'; 
* Violeta BEŠIREVIĆ, 'A Short Guide to Militant Democracy: Some Remarks on the Strasbourg Jurisprudence'; 
* Pierre THIELBÖRGER, 'Positive Obligations in the ECHR after the Stoicescu Case: A Concept in Search of Content?';
* Agnieszka SZKLANNA, 'The Standing of Applicants and NGOs in the Process of Supervision of ECtHR Judgments by the Committee of Ministers';
* Lando KIRCHMAIR, 'The Right to Judicial Protection under the ECHR: A Yardstick for the Individual Action for Annulment after Lisbon?'; 
* Michaela POVOLNÁ, 'Protection of Medical Data in the Scope of Article 8 ECHR: An Analysis of the European Data Protection Safeguards';
* Markus MÖSTL, 'Monitoring Human Rights by Council of Europe Bodies: Quo Vadis?'.