Monday, 10 April 2023

2022 Report on Execution of ECtHR judgments

Last week, the latest Annual Report 'Supervision of the Execution of Judgments and Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights' (covering the year 2022) of the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers was published. The report outlines some important achievements: the Committee's closure of 880 cases (including 200 leading cases), and there was a new record number of communications from national human rights institutions and civil society organisations. Nonetheless, as the report shows, the Committee is also facing a number of challenges. The total number of judgments pending full execution has increased. Moreover, the complexity and the sensitivity of the issues examined by the Committee of Ministers continue to increase. This is exacerbated by the issue faced by a number of States of insufficient capacity to execute in full the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. 

Apart from these general trends and developments this Annual Report, for the first time, contains a country-by-country statistical overview of the current situation regarding the execution of judgments and decisions of the Court in respect of each Member State.