Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Workshop on Climate Change, Migration, Authoritarianism and the ECHR

On 16-17 November 2023, Başak Çalı, Esra Demir-Gürsel and Jens T. Theilen are organizing a workshop entitled 'Frames of European Human Rights - How are climate change, migration, and authoritarianism framed within the Council of Europe?'. The workshop is hosted by the Hertie School Centre for Fundamental Rights. The workshop will reflect critically on the frames and framers of climate change, migration, and authoritarianism in European human rights.

Here is a description of the workshop:

'Human rights set normative standards for states to adhere to – but they also contribute to shaping debates on politically, economically, and socially controversial topics at a deeper level, influencing our understanding of underlying realities, diagnosing problems, and leaving some aspects aside as irrelevant or less important. The aim of this workshop is to explore these constructions of realities and normativities within human rights law, focussing on the frames and framers of climate change, migration and authoritarianism in European human rights.

We invite contributions to critically analyse the emergence or shifts over time of the frames with regard to climate change, migration, and authoritarianism. What are the assumptions and terminology underpinning discussions of authoritarianism in Europe? What understandings of nature and its relation to the economy and human beings accompany discussions of climate change in the Council of Europe context? Along which lines are migrants classified within European human rights law, what kind of language is used to do so, and what gets invisibilised through these classifications? To explore the politics of different actors within the Council of Europe, we also seek to map the multiplicity of framers and how they interact with one another. To which actors can we trace certain frames used to address these topics? How do the vocabularies of various institutional actors within the Council of Europe and those of civil society and of scholarship overlap or conflict, and with what consequences?'

The deadline for abstract submissions is 23 June 2023. The full Call for Papers and more information can be found here