Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Cartload of ECHR Articles

A whole cartload of journal articles, if one may say so irreverently, for all readers to enjoy this fall. It certainly reflects that the European Convention of Human Rights still enjoys a growing interest among researchers.

In the International and Comparative Law Quarterly (vol. 59-3, 2010) one may find two case notes on important Strasbourg judgments:
* J. Barker and B. Brockman-Hawe, ‘ECHR: Bijelic v. Montenegro and Serbia, judgment of 11 June 2009’ (p. 845-867).
* J. Barker and E. Papastavridis, ‘ECHR: Medvedyev et al v. France, judgment of 29 March 2010’ (p. 867-882).

The latest issue of European Public Law (vol. 16-4, 2010) features two ECHR-related articles:
* A. Mowbray, ‘European Court of Human Rights: May 2009-April 2010’ (p. 495-522).
* O. Pedersen, ‘The ties that bind: the environment, the European Convention on Human Rights and the rule of law’ (p. 571-595).

The US-based Columbia Journal of Transnational Law (vol. 48-2 2009/10) includes:
* A. Seaman, ‘Permanent residency for human trafficking victims in Europe: the potential use of article 3 of the European Convention as a means of protection’ (p. 287-320).

In the International Criminal Justice Review (vol. 19-3 of 2009) one may find:
* A. Hallo de Wolf and D. Wallace, ‘The overseas exchange of human rights jurisprudence: the U.S. Supreme Court in the European Court of Human Rights’ (p. 287-307).

The Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (No. 2 of 2008) contains (somewhat older, but not notified on here before):
* M. Marmo, ‘The execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights - a political battle’ (p. 235-276).

And the otherwise Dutch-language journal Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis (no. 3, 2009) includes an article in English:
* M . Goodwin, ‘Taking on racial segregation: the European Court of Human Rights at a Brown v. Board of Education moment?’