The connections between EU antitrust law and the ECHR receive increasing attention. Earlier, Felix Ronkes Agerbeek guest posted about it on this blog
here. Now, Wouter Wils, connected to the European Commission and to King's College London, has published an upcoming article on SSRN, to appear in
World Competition: Law and Economics Review (Vol. 34, No. 2, June 2011). It is entitled
'EU Antitrust Enforcement Powers and Procedural Rights and Guarantees: The Interplay Between EU Law, National Law, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and the European Convention on Human Rights'. This is the abstract:
This paper deals with the powers of the European Commission and the competition authorities of the EU Member States to enforce Articles 101 and 102 TFEU, and with the procedural rights and guarantees that circumscribe or limit these powers. It focuses in particular on the interplay between the different sources of law governing these matters: EU and national legislation, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, the European Convention on Human Rights, and the case-law of the EU Courts and the European Court of Human Rights.