Tuesday, 5 June 2012

New Articles on ECHR

A number of new academic articles on the European Convention have been published in the last few months. First, the International Journal on Minority and Group Rights includes the article 'The Strasbourg Court and minority groups: shooting in the dark or a new interpretive ethos?' by G. Pentassuglia (vol. 19, no. 1, 2012, pp.1-23).

Secondly, International Legal Materials features an introductory note to European Court of Human Rights (GC): Al-Jedda v. United Kingdom and Al-Skeini & Others v. United Kingdom, by A. Pradhan (vol. 50, no. 6, 2011, pp. 947-1050).

And finally, the George Washington International Law Review (vol. 43, no. 2, 2011/2012) includes two ECHR-related articles: 

* W. Smith, 'Europe to the rescue: the killing of journalists in Russia and the European Court of Human Rights', pp.493-528.
* D. Ziegenfuss, 'Zingari or Italiani? Discrimination against Roma in Italy and the European Court of Human Rights', pp. 555-586.