Thursday, 10 June 2021

New Subscription System to the ECHR Blog

Dear readers,

Many of you are subscribed to our blog and receive updates on new posts by email.

We are writing to inform you that as of 9 June 2021, all subscribers to ECHR Blog will receive our news and posts by email through a new platform called To continue your subscription with our blog, please open in your inbox the email from and confirm that you have subscribed to our blog.

The email looks like the image below, and you are kindly asked to press ‘confirm that this is correct and you want to receive this content by clicking here’. We have selected the platform platform because it complies with the GDPR and is a safe platform. 


In the last 13 years, we used another platform for email subscription called Feedburner, which unfortunately is closing in July 2021. This is the reason, why we had to seek to move to another platform.

Thank you for your continued support, and apologies for any inconvenience caused. And if you are not yet subscribed, feel very welcome to do so by using the subscription button in the menu on the right.

Antoine Buyse and Kushtrim Istrefi, ECHR Blog Editors