The Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has just declassified a report entitled
Implementation of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. The report, which is part of the Parliamentary Assembly's ongoing monitoring of implementation of the Court's judgments, was prepared by rapporteur Christos Pourgourides from Cyprus. Formal oversight of implementation is conducted by the Committee of Ministers (Article 46(2) ECHR), but Assembly reports such as these give very handy overviews of progress made, including the outcomes in specific cases. By coincidence, the Committee of Ministers is meeting
this week to supervise the execution of the Court's judgments and is planning to discuss 377 judgments. A full-fledged website on the execution of judgments can be found
here. Recommended for Court watchers!
(Thanks to the weblog humanrightsdoctorate.blogspot.com of professor William Schabas, which provided the link to the Assembly's report.)